Yemen’s UAE war and lessons learned from it

The civil war in Yemen has dragged on for years, and after the Saudi and UAE intervention in 2015, the destruction and...

US allegedly will provide Huawei with another provisional relief

For almost all of 2019, your Huawei could remain up-to-date Despite commitments to remove some constraints, Huawei had no...

The connections between charity and Qatar (QCQ) agitate concerns

QCQ is using Charity to promote unethical goals The watchdog of charities issued a warning about a British charity...

Artiz Aduriz leads Bilbao to defeat Barcelona on the first day

Aritz Aduriz scores amazing early bike kicks to crash the starts of Griezmann and De Jong Aritz Aduriz is 38...

Salary of Top bosses in the United States is enormous

Last year, chief managers gained an average of $17.2 million and since 1978 their salary has grown by more than 1000 percent.

The Prince of the UAE visits Saudi Arabia, encourages dialog to...

UAE’s Prince’s visit to Saudi Arabia The strong crown prince of Abu Dhabi toured Saudi Arabia on Monday and...

UAE’s Wisdom of the Reconciliation

How it works between UAE and US Mohammed bin Zayed (MbZ), Abu Dhabi's crown prince and de facto United...

Nuclear mystery and a fatal disaster in the Far North of...

An official mourning nuclear condition was proclaimed in Sarov's Russian town. Last Thursday, at an army test site in northern...

Dobbs get the fair court decision in the UAE

The college terminated in September 2018 the 51-year-old expat from Wisconsin, Robert Dobbs. The Ministry of Justice has instructed...

El Paso visited by Trump and Dayton despite local authorities ‘...

The congresswoman from El Paso says that Trump is not welcome because the mayor of Dayton promotes demonstrations Donald Trump...

The US alliance with the Gulf decays as the UAE ties...

The US-Gulf Alliance and the UAE The U.S. remained as staunch to their allies as it remained to their...

Global order disturbed by the US, China accuses

Rhetoric of trade war ratchets up as Beijing reacts to US claims to be ‘a manipulator of currency’ causing global order to...

El Paso Shooting: Did the US fail to face white extremism

The US officials are researching the El Paso shooting that killed 22 individuals as a feasible "national crime" scenario. How great is...

What if all of Trump’s twitter followers unfollowed him

Trump is so active on Twitter His outbursts have become all too predictable in the approximately three years that Donald...

Hundreds detained by the police during demonstration in Russia

Over 600 individuals were arrested in Russia during an unauthorized demonstration in the midst of police violence allegations. Protesters...

America’s withdrawal from the main nuclear treaty with Russia

The US officially withdrew from a main nuclear treaty with Russia in the Cold War era Many fear that the...

The Huawei conflict on trade between the United States and China...

The trade truce between the United States and China is over, and this is bad news for Huawei The...

Young gets a shot to show for Team USA for the...

Young’s way to glory It's been quite a month for Memphian and former Mitchell High star Thaddeus Young.

Fortnite young millionaire

A US young person has won a prize of $3m to become world champion of the computer game fortnite.

Gunman us festival gilroy california

3 People killed and more are injured in a festival A gunman killed three people and wounded 15 at...