European forces back the US to blame Iran for the Saudi oil assault


European forces are backing the US

European forces supported the United States and criticized Iran on Monday for attacking Saudi oil installations, encouraging Tehran to agree to fresh discussions with world leaders on its nuclear and missile programs and national safety problems.

During this, The Europeans released a joint declaration after British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron met at the United Nations on the sidelines of the annual meeting of world rulers.

But Iran ruled out the option of concluding a fresh agreement with forces, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif tweeted Monday, stating that European members have failed to meet their obligations under the 2015 nuclear agreement.

Since the U.S., European leaders have struggled to defuse the brewing confrontation between Tehran and Washington. President Donald Trump left last year’s agreement to ensure Iran’s entry to world trade for curbing its nuclear program.

The United States re-imposed and loosened sanctions on Iran. Iran has responded by gradually violating the nuclear commitments made in the 2015 agreement and set a deadline of October to further reduce its nuclear obligations unless the Europeans save the pact by shielding Tehran’s economy from U.S. sanctions.


“The time has come for Iran to negotiate a long-term framework for its nuclear program and regional security issues, including its missile program and other means of delivery,” said Britain, France and Germany.

Meanwhile, Tension rose on September 14, following an attack on Saudi Arabia’s oil installations. Tehran rejects accountability, and Yemen’s Houthi-aligned faction, which has been fighting a Saudi-led army coalition, has said it has carried out an assault.

On the other hand, “It is clear to us that Iran is responsible for this assault. There is no other plausible explanation for this. We support ongoing investigations to provide further details, “said Britain, France and Germany.

In conclusion, U.S. — Secretary of State Mike Pompeo praised the European countries for their declaration to blame Iran, stating, “This will reinforce diplomacy and the cause of peace.”

Source: Reuters


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