Middle East

Middle East related news, breaking news and latest current events, all in one place. Find out why we’re different than any other news outlet out there.

UAE helps vaccinate children against polio in Pakistan

Well over 71 million children in Pakistan have been vaccinated against polio so far as part of a large UAE campaign in this South Asian country that began five years ago.

AlQaradawy’s application is to be banned

AlQaradawy is banned in many countries Recently, Google decided to ban an application founded by AlQaradawy called “Euro...

The connections between charity and Qatar (QCQ) agitate concerns

QCQ is using Charity to promote unethical goals The watchdog of charities issued a warning about a British charity...

Saudi Arabia Oil Attack: Action hint towards Iran by Trump

Trump observes Saudi Arabia’s reaction. Donald Trump has stated the united states is “locked and loaded” and ready to...

The US alliance with the Gulf decays as the UAE ties...

The US-Gulf Alliance and the UAE The U.S. remained as staunch to their allies as it remained to their...

China and Qatar relations. How is the US connected?!

For a long time now, China has been clashing harder and harder with the US. The situation is not escalating very quickly but anyone...

4 new laws and rules introduced in Dubai in 2019

From having your liquor permit to canceling your phone contract, Dubai has made life a lot easier for foreign residents.

Big setback for Qatar and Turkey over Libya and Sudan

Qatar and Turkey are close regional allies and have supported the Sudanese regime and the West Libya government in Tripoli.

Reports: Abused workers start riots in Qatar

The workers took to the streets, calling out oppressive government policies, overdue wages and inhuman working conditions.

UAE’s Wisdom of the Reconciliation

How it works between UAE and US Mohammed bin Zayed (MbZ), Abu Dhabi's crown prince and de facto United...