Key House Democrat requests tax returns of Trump from IRS


Richard Neal, Means Committee Chairman & House Ways has requested tax return of Trump formally from Internal Revenue Service launching a battle which could stretch years in courts besides shedding light on finances of Trump.

On Wednesday, IRS received a letter, Neal states an IRS code  in his request for personal tax returns for 6 years from 2013 to 2018 in addition to requesting tax returns of business entities related to Trump escalating pressure from liberals in caucus who argued that personal returns of Trump wouldn’t paint financial history of Trump sufficiently.

Trump would be inclined to provide his tax returns to Congress if he is subject from audit.

“Is that all? Oh, usually it’s 10 so I guess they’re giving up. Now, we’re under audit, despite what people said. We’re working that out as — I’m always under audit it seems. But I’ve been under audit because the numbers are big and I guess when you have a name you’re audited. But until such time as I’m not under audit I would not be inclined to do that”

Republicans will see the move as a political escalation. Committee tax returns of Trump to issue  related to auditing of IRS sitting presidents.

“Under the Internal Revenue Manual, individual income tax returns of a President are subject to mandatory examination, but this practice is IRS policy and not codified in the Federal tax laws. It is necessary for the committee to determine the scope of any such examination and whether it includes a review of underlying business activities required to be reported on the individual income tax return”

Neal assured that request of the committee wasn’t about politics but policy.

“My preparations were made on my own track and timeline, entirely independent of other activities in Congress and the administration. My actions reflect an abiding reverence for our democracy and our institutions, and are in no way based on emotion of the moment or partisanship. I trust that in this spirit, the IRS will comply with federal law and furnish me with the requested documents in a timely manner”

IRS has been given until April 10 by Neal to comply with request.


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