The connections between charity and Qatar (QCQ) agitate concerns


QCQ is using Charity to promote unethical goals

The watchdog of charities issued a warning about a British charity “independence” over its ties to a Qatari group (QCQ) later designated by its Gulf neighbors as a terror organization, The Telegraph may reveal.

The Charity Commission raised worries about Qatar Charity UK’s “autonomy,” which distributes millions of pounds throughout Britain to mosques and other organizations.

Four years earlier, the regulator intervened after discovering that 98% of the body’s financing came from Doha-based Qatar Charity Qatar, with QCQ identifying UK body financing initiatives.

The alert is disclosed in a compliance study viewed by this newspaper, which demonstrates that the watchdog also voiced fear that all the directors of the UK charity were connected to the QCQ in 2015. The Doha-based body charged three. QCQ was one of a dozen Saudi Arabia organizations and in 2017 its partners declared to have been engaged in terrorism.

Qatar Charity UK later that year altered its name to the Nectar Trust. But accounts show that QCQ received £ 28 m in 2017, prior to a sharp drop in gifts.

Proofs and studies about the charity/Qatar connections

The study of the Charity Commission also points out that the Israeli government prohibited QCQ because it was thought to be component of the Union of Good “to promote Hamas.”

Since then, all the directors of the Nectar Trust have sat down, with three fresh people designated last year.

This newspaper disclosed in 2017 that a former Qatari official who established a website that taught Muslims to hate Jews and Christians was running the charity.

In May 2018, Yousef al-Kuwari resigned as Chief Executive. However, he continues Qatar Charity Qatar’s chief executive, appointed in 2017 by the Gulf states as a proscribed organization. His predecessor as chief executive of Nectar Trust, Yousuf Al-Hammadi, is one of his previous advisors.

In a compliance study following a charity review in November 2015, the Charity Commission indicated that its “primary sources of interest” included that “in 2014, the charity got £ 451,605 (98%) of its revenue from Qatar Charity Qatar (‘ QCQ ‘) and three of the charity’s seven trustees are QCQ managers or staff.

“This arrangement raises regulatory concerns about the independence of the Charity and the ability of the trustees of the Charity to make independent decisions, free from conflicts of interest and/or loyalty that are solely for the benefit of the Charity … separate from QCQ.”

The study provides: “Trustees who are hired by or consult with QCQ have a loyalty dispute; although they are not in a position to profit personally from choices taken in their position, they have allegiance to another organization (QCQ) as well as the Charity.”


The Telegraph revealed in 2017 that one of Qatar Charity UK’s bankrolling projects was the construction of a mosque in Sheffield supervised by a Kuwaiti official who claimed that the September 11 attacks were orchestrated by Jews. The representative later ceased to be a mosque director.

According to the Charity Commission study, representatives from Qatar Charity UK said any projects proposed by QCQ were “regarded in the same phase as any other proposition.”

The directors of the Nectar Trust refused to address inquiries about the issues of the commission from this journal. A spokesman said they had “nothing to add to what the Charity Commission said in its response to you.”

QCQ describes itself as a “humanitarian and charitable leading torch” that has spent more than $1 billion (£ 823 million) supporting 110 million individuals worldwide.


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