Seven arrested in Saudi Arabia

Arrests are followed by strong criticism from human rights groups. Photo credit: Reuters

Saudi Arabia has detained at least seven people, along with two dual US-Saudi citizens and a pregnant woman, according to a London-based rights group.

The arrested are not said to be front line activists, but writers and bloggers discussing reform.

They have been under a travel ban since February according to the rights group ALQST.

The latest arrests come amid concern at the fate of activists in prison after pushing for women’s rights.

Ten women’s rights campaign was put on trial last month following a crackdown beginning in 2018. Three were released last week on bail.

That case draws international criticism, with 36 states so far demanding their release.


Scrutiny of Saudi Arabia’s human rights record has intensified since Jamal Khashoggi murder at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul just last October.

Turkish investigators have pointed the finger at Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, seen as the real power behind the throne, alleging he orchestrated the murder.

The Saudi authorities deny he had any involvement and blame a “rogue” operation. Eleven people went on trial this January.


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