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Huawei’s Kirin 985 will be mass produced by TSMC in Q2...

It looks like the company will continue the trend of releasing its new-gen chip before others, with its Kirin 985 slated to go into mass production in Q2 2019.

Facebook co-founder calls on the government to break up the company

Facebook co-founder in a New York Times editorial today said the social networking giant has become a corporate monopoly with too much power and said the federal government needs to step in and break up the company.

Permits applications of Huawei are being sent to the US

To date, no US applications for permits to sell to Chinese telecommunications companies have been given. Huawei presented over...

Death Stranding’s Norman Reedus visits Kojima Productions for the first time

The Walking Dead superstar Norman Reedus just visited Kojima Productions for the first time ever.

Critical flaw lets attackers steal private keys from Qualcomm chips

Qualcomm says they have deployed patches for this bug (CVE-2018-11976) earlier this month

WhatsApp confirms ‘targeted’ surveillance attack

WhatsApp, which is owned by Facebook, said the attack targeted a "select number" of users, and was orchestrated by "an advanced cyber actor".

Toronto Urged to Cancel Smart City Project by Google

The Quayside "Smart City" project in Toronto, Canada continues to face criticism from supporters for privacy and current and former employees

Forensics firm claims it can break into any Apple or Android...

Apple makes it a point to stress safety and privacy characteristics with every product announcement. This occurred at Apple's annual event

Mate X, Galaxy Fold, Razr and more: All the foldable phones...

Back in February, the trend stole the show at MWC 2019 as many phone makers announced their plans for foldable phones.

Iran confiscates 1,000 Bitcoin mining machines after power spike

According to state TV reports, government in Iran has confiscated around 1,000 Bitcoin mining devices from two former facilities.