Qatari president of PSG, Nasser al-Khelaifi, under investigation in IAAF corruption...

The Qatari president of French soccer club Paris Saint-Germain, Nasser al-Khelaifi, is formally under investigation in France for alleged corruption related to Doha’s bid to host the athletics world championship, his lawyers confirmed on Thursday.

Julian Assange indictment: Danger for free press and journalism

Julian Assange indicted under espionage act, obtaining and publishing classified material, represents a grave threat to all Americans' First Amendment rights,...

Chagos Islands dispute: UN votes against British control

The 193 member states of the UN on Wednesday voted for the UK to hand over control of the Chagos islands to Mauritius "as soon as possible".

Trump suddenly reverses course on Iran, says there is ‘no indication’...

President Donald Trump spent the entirety of the last week talking about possible military action against Iran, discussing the number of troops that would be involved, and threatening that war would mean the “official end of Iran.”

Huawei founder says US government underestimated their power

The growing animosity between Huawei Technologies and the U.S. government was inevitable and a sales ban imposed by the Trump administration will literally have no...

How Much Does America Really Need Huawei?

In wake of the restrictions, Google has suspended business activity with the Chinese giant. Other suppliers, including Qualcomm, Broadcom, Intel and Xilinx, told employees they will not sell to the Chinese firm until further notice, according to Bloomberg News.

Trump wants America’s immigration system to focus on high-skilled workers

President Trump unveiled a long-awaited immigration plan change that would dramatically alter how the U.S. accepts people into the country, by favoring...

F-16 fighter jet crashes at California base, no injuries

An F-16 fighter jet crashed into a warehouse while attempting to land at March Air Reserve Base in Southern California, an Air Force official confirmed late Thursday.

Alabama abortion vote compared to ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’

On Tuesday night, Alabama’s majority-Republican Senate passed a bill which, if signed by Republican Gov. Kay Ivey, would ban almost all abortions in the state and could punish doctors who perform them with life in prison.

Mike Pompeo says US doesn’t want war with Iran

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has said the United States does not seek a war with Iran, amid rapidly growing...

WhatsApp confirms ‘targeted’ surveillance attack

WhatsApp, which is owned by Facebook, said the attack targeted a "select number" of users, and was orchestrated by "an advanced cyber actor".

Trump fixated on tariffs while China pursues digital market domination

China’s economy will also most likely grow to be bigger than that of the U.S., and at the moment, this seems inevitable.

The US-China tariff battle is the beginning of a global trade...

The prediction comes as the U.S. and China continue to square off in a trade war that has turned the global markets upside down.

Drug companies inflate prices over 1,000%; 44 U.S. states are suing

44 U.S. states filed a lawsuit in which they're accusing Teva Pharmaceuticals USA of orchestrating a scheme with 19 other drug companies to inflate drug prices

Facebook co-founder calls on the government to break up the company

Facebook co-founder in a New York Times editorial today said the social networking giant has become a corporate monopoly with too much power and said the federal government needs to step in and break up the company.

Deadly thunderstorms leave a trail of destruction across south-central US

Deadly thunderstorms unleashed baseball-sized hail, flooding rainfall and numerous tornadoes across western portions of Texas and Oklahoma Tuesday into late Wednesday

South Africa election: ANC in the lead

South Africa - With results declared in some 23% of districts, the ANC has won about 55% of the ballot, well...

Trade war threatens to enrage 2020 race as Republicans complain about...

President Trump’s aggressive trade policies are running head first into his campaign for reelection.

UN to conclude hearings on Qatar’s complaint against the UAE and...

UN - The Committee on Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD) concluded its work after reviewing the complaint submitted...

Humans Are Speeding Up Extinction and Altering the Natural World

Up to 1 million of the estimated 8 million plant and animal species on Earth are at risk of extinction — many of them within decades — according to scientists and researchers who produced a sweeping U.N. report on how humanity's burgeoning growth is putting the world's biodiversity at perilous risk.