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WhatsApp confirms ‘targeted’ surveillance attack

WhatsApp, which is owned by Facebook, said the attack targeted a "select number" of users, and was orchestrated by "an advanced cyber actor".

Facebook co-founder calls on the government to break up the company

Facebook co-founder in a New York Times editorial today said the social networking giant has become a corporate monopoly with too much power and said the federal government needs to step in and break up the company.

Critical flaw lets attackers steal private keys from Qualcomm chips

Qualcomm says they have deployed patches for this bug (CVE-2018-11976) earlier this month

Sony reveals PlayStation 5 details: 8K graphics, PS4 backwards compatibility, ray...

Specifically, they're promising that the PS5 will support 8K graphics, 3D audio, super fast SSDs, and backwards compatibility with existing PlayStation 4 games.

Huawei’s Kirin 985 will be mass produced by TSMC in Q2...

It looks like the company will continue the trend of releasing its new-gen chip before others, with its Kirin 985 slated to go into mass production in Q2 2019.

Is it safe? — Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp return after 2.5-hour...

Users hurled to other social media platforms to report issues accessing the services moments later, as reports of outages filtered in from parts of North America, Europe, Asia and Africa

Mate X, Galaxy Fold, Razr and more: All the foldable phones...

Back in February, the trend stole the show at MWC 2019 as many phone makers announced their plans for foldable phones.

Death Stranding’s Norman Reedus visits Kojima Productions for the first time

The Walking Dead superstar Norman Reedus just visited Kojima Productions for the first time ever.